Dr. Dustin Ingalls - Genesis Chiropractic

What does your business do? What products does it sell?
We provide specific Upper Cervical Chiropractic care using the NUCCA technique. We also have specific tools to treat chronic knee pain without drugs or surgery.

What sets your business apart from the competition?
The NUCCA technique and our approach to treating knee pain.

What is the most rewarding part about what you do?
The improvement in quality of life for our patients following treatment.

How has the PNC group helped our business?
PNC has allowed me a great opportunity to educate people on the difference between general chiropractic and NUCCA. It has also given me a fantastic network of professionals advocating for Genesis Family Chiropractic and the work we do here.

What would you like people to know about you as a person?
I am married with five children and two cats. I also enjoy spending time at all of the kids' sporting events, camping, and archery.

Contact Information
Phone: 605-334-0900
Email: info@genesisnucca.com
Facebook: Genesis Family Chiropractic Inc.
Website: www.genesisnucca.com